Monday, 24 April 2023

Day 13-15 Ein Fröhe Weinanchts Erfärung im Schwulper, Deutchland. (24-26 Dec 2022)

24th of December 2022

 Waking up on 'Christmas Eve' morning(!!) in the house of our friends - what more can I say.... Th expectation of a day planned around a christmas market, a afternoon rest, a watchnight service in a HUGE chathedral.....but lets start with waking up, and getting ready - 11 peeps with two showers. Well, we did it!! Everybody was so courteous to each other! The upstairs bathroom was room size.... providing most of the girls to do their hair and make-up and even brush their teeth, at the same time!!! Almost like camping and sharing a common washroom...but that was how we've met each other. All those years ago!!!

Both Mirja and Linea has their driving permits, so it was pretty funny to watch everybody vee'ing to jump into the driver's seat of their mini-van and car. For the first time in a week, Arno could just enjoy the ride, without thinking of driving on the 'otherside'! We were all following the weather forcast, but it kept raining and to our absolute keeps getting WARMER!!! Ok, so the last statement might puzzle, a few of our South African friends....We were dreaming of a white christmas for years, we've even booked a week's skiing in the French Alps.... and it was getting warmer and warmer.....Noooooooo!!!!!!!

So we all jumped into the cars and made our way over to the christmas market in Goslar, close to the Harts mountains (Northern Germany). By this time I have made everybody understood, that regardless of tim of day...'" am here to taste glüwhein"! Mirja made it her responsibility to help me get this item ticked off my wish list!!

Barbara took over the responsibility of letting us experience every little german cookie, roasted nut and baked bread there was!! Peter kept Arno entertained with great conversation. Alana and Linea(travelling buddies!!) were just so happy to be hanging out again. AND Thomas also had another boy to be hanging out with!!

Feuer Tongue Boule - aka Viking Gluewin!!

Luckily the drivers did not fall asleep on our way home, but some other peeps, might have used the journey to take '40 winks'.

Once home, I still had to do a few last minute gift-wrappings... Barbara was enjoying herself, lifting wonderfully pre-prepped meals out of her freezer. For nearly 15 years, the family has made the shift to eat wholesome, organic and vegetarian meals. They grow veggies in their little garden and also choose to buy clothing, sanitary products and toiletries from animal-and-enviromental friendly sources. I love their committment and dedication towards this cause.

Before we could get to the gift exchange part, there were a few more surprises for us Saffas.

We jumped back into the cars, headded Brünswick. The Christmas market here was closed for the day, but we joined the crowd who was already forming infront of the BIG door of the city chatedral. Never did I expected to be stampeding through the door of a church in order to get a  decent seat Germany!!! And great seats we got!! Right infront of the lectern from which the female priest delivered her christmas message. It was magical. The ambience, created by hundreds of candles, the choir, the setting...just sooo special. Thank your familie Krause, for making this dream come true.

Back home we induldge in lovely soup and breads and wine and more gluewhein!! Then presents exchange...we it was very close to midnight at this stage, but not tooo late to have a propper "Abba" and what-ever-Linea-could-play-on the-piano sing-a-long!!!

We made some beautiful beautiful memories with these precious people.

25th of December

A late lie-in followed by another of the delicious Barabara-brunches encourage us to go for a fresh walk in their favorite forest. The fresh air did everybody well. We just talked and talked and enjoyed each others company. Both Barbara and Peter's working place is in education, in the special needs environment. The family are outdoor fanatics. So we also glean towards all their expereinces doing off-the-beaten-track travelling with their children, now young adults. We learned so much from them.

Back home, Barabara was again preparing a German patato soup and Mirja a rasberry-and-rum gluewhein!! They have invited their special friends. The Gen Zee's were having their own party, eating and playing games in the familyroom, while the adults snacked on the soup and beverages, while leaning on the coutertops in the kitchen!! Wow, we felt so loved and honoured to be ther reason for this special christmas party.

26th of December

On Boxing day it was time for Arno and Thomas's German wishes to come true - Volkswagen Autostad at Wolfsburg . Do I need to say more?? the girls started watching Formula 1 religeously, so they were also VERY excited. Mirja had recently rebuilt her own Wagen into a camping van. She knows everything about cars!! I guess like all children in the Riebeek Valley of South Africa knows about wine and olives, if you grow up in northern know everything about cars...and Volkswagen!!!

An indeed no one was dissappointed. Besides all the historic cars, prototype vehicles, cute little Beatles, Electric cars and flashy showrooms, we were entertained with a christmas family fibe, ice-skating and bradwürst. 

Still more to experience!! We headed over to the Brunsweich Christmas market for some last treats and hot apfel cider. Last stop at the Familie Krause's favorite Asian restaurant, Budha. We were treated and blessed to the brim!!

Such a beatiful last day with our dearest friends.
Back home, no one wanted to go to bed...we just sat in the cozy snug and talked and talked and dreamed together....

 Zum Wedersehen

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